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Master in

Animal nutrition

Next edition: 1st part: 6 October 2025 – 19 June 2026 / 2nd part: October 2026 – July 2027

Master in

Animal nutrition

General information on the Unit

ECTS: 30
Contact hours: 226 (with the thesis director and the director's team)
Personal work hours: 524
Character: Compulsory
Venue: Institution chosen by the candidate, upon conformity from the UZ/IAMZ-CIHEAM Studies Commission of the Master.
-  This Unit is delivered at the same time as the Unit "Introduction to research" for 10 months. This unit begins in September, although, depending on the research Protocol established or the convenience of the tutor and the host institution, the starting date may be delayed or slightly brought forward, upon acceptance of the Studies Commission of the Master.
- Assessment of the Unit: between July and October, after the 10 month period in each case. The document is presented for public defence. The assessment is carried out at the same time as the "Introduction to research".
Requisites and permanence
In order to complete this Unit, the student must have passed the first part of the programme and submitted a protocol supported by the Thesis director. Such protocol must be examined by a committee appointed by the organizing institutions of the Master, considering both the characteristics of the research to be done, and the suitability of the director and the host institution.
Training takes place in credited institutions collaborating in the second part of the programme (universities, research centres and companies), usually in Spain or in the country of origin of the student, under the supervision of a thesis director, who should be a PhD with experience and prestige in the subject of the research.
Learning methods
The learning process is based on tutored learning throughout the process of the research project, as well as advice and control of its development.
This learning period is carried out under the supervision of a director, who should be a PhD with experience and prestige in the subject of the research.
Students can write the Thesis document and do the oral presentation and the defence in any of these three languages: Spanish, English or French.


Presentation of the Unit

This Unit represents the application of the training received to the production of an original research project on a specific topic, within the scope in which the student has performed the Unit "Introduction to research", and whose results are potentially publishable. The student is provided with training and supervision to master the application of techniques and methods selected for the research and for becoming able to objectively assess the significance of the results and conclusions obtained. Likewise, the student is endowed with the necessary training in order to produce a written document on the project carried out, and submit and orally defend the research results before a jury.


Context within the syllabus

The second part of the Master, which includes this Unit, initiates the student in research in the field of animal nutrition. The student prepares his Master thesis (Master's final work) receiving training and supervision to grasp the applicable methods and techniques selected for this particular research, to be able to assess objectively the significance of results and conclusions obtained, and to prepare a written document on the project and present and defend it orally.

This Unit is delivered at the same time and in interaction with the Unit “Introduction to research" in which the student acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to carry out a research project in a given topic in the field of animal nutrition, learning to plan research and use the relevant methods and techniques.



Specific competences

  • ­ SC8 Understanding the principles of statistics and experimental design in animal nutrition programmes and conducting statistical analysis of experimental results using the relevant computer analysis programs.
  • SC13 Designing and implementing the necessary experiments for research in animal nutrition and feeding, obtaining and analyzing the results and drawing conclusions assessing their significance.

­Since every student undergoes a specific training applied to a concrete topic, other specific competences are acquired in every case, determined by the topic undertaken.

General competences

  • GC1 Integrating scientific and technical knowledge and applying them discerningly.
  • ­GC3 Analyzing results or strategies and elaborating conclusions which contribute to clarify the problems and to find possible solutions.
  • ­CG4 Making decisions and generating new ideas and knowledge in complex systems.
  • ­GC5 Learning and working autonomously, responding to unforeseen situations and re-aiming a strategy if necessary.
  • ­GC6 Team-working and promoting exchange and collaboration attitudes with other students, researchers and professionals.
  • ­CG7 Communicating reasoning and conclusions both to a general audience and to a specialized public.
  • ­CG8 Writing presentations and synthesis, preparing and presenting oral communications, and defending them in public.


Objectives of learning

The general objective of this Unit is for the student to acquire the necessary training to conduct an original research project in a given topic of the speciality of animal nutrition, whose data may be published.

As each student acquires an applied training in a concrete topic, in each case there are also specific learning objectives according to the topic of research addressed, which will provide him greater competence in that topic.


Learning outcomes

The student, at the end of the learning of this Unit:

  • Knows how to apply previously acquainted knowledge, methods and techniques in a discerning manner.
  • Has developed skills in the analysis of problems and in the definition of objectives.
  • Is competent in data collection and analysis according to a pre-established research protocol.
  • Has gained experience in the analysis of results and the elaboration of conclusions that may contribute to clarify and find possible solutions to problems.
  • Has developed skills in the synthesis and presentation of contents and in the preparation of scientific texts.
  • Has gained practice in the preparation and presentation of oral communications and in their public defence.
  • Can favour exchange and collaboration with other researchers and professionals.

Since every student undergoes a specific training applied to one topic, other learning outcomes are acquired in every case, determined by the topic undertaken, which provide the student with higher competence in the speciality chosen.



This Unit represents the application of the training received to the production of an original research project on a specific topic, within the scope in which the student has conducted the Unit "Introduction to research".
The choice of research topic is made by the students, according to their learning interests. If students so require, they are advised by the UZ/IAMZ-CIHEAM Studies Commission of the Master on the choice of the most appropriate director and institution to carry out the desired project and are also proposed topics of interest previously agreed between the organizing institutions of the Master and other institutions.
This Unit provides the necessary training to produce an original research project on a specific topic, within the speciality of animal nutrition, whose results are potentially publishable. The student is provided with training and supervision to command the application of techniques and methods selected for the research and for becoming able to objectively assess the significance of the results and conclusions obtained. Likewise, the student is endowed with the necessary training in order to produce a written document on the project carried out, and submit and orally defend the research results.


Learning activities

Learning activity 1: Tutored personal work for: (i) obtaining the project results; (ii) carrying out the analysis and discussion of results; (iii) establishing the conclusions of the research; and (iv) elaborate a written document presenting the background, objectives, results, analysis and conclusions of the thesis.
ECTS: 23
Hours: 575
Percentage of contact: 20% learning with the thesis director or the director's team

Learning activity 2: Counselling by the thesis director throughout the research project process and monitoring of its development and the results obtained.
Hours: 100
Percentage of contact: 100%

Learning activity 3: Presentation and oral defence of the Master’s final work (Master Thesis) (including preparation of the presentation)
Hours: 75
Percentage of contact: 15% contact with the thesis director


Assessment method

Assessment system 1: Assessment by a jury of the research work based on the thesis document submitted by the student. This assessment will focus on the following aspects: (i) originality and relevance of the research; (ii) significance and scope of the bibliography; (iii) applicability of the techniques and methodology used; (iv) quality and significance of the results obtained and of the conclusions of the research; (v) transcendence of the research and publishability of the results; and (vi) quality and outlay of the thesis document: structure, synthesis, formal aspects (wording/expression, graph and table layout, bibliography presentation, etc.).
Weighting: 70% of the final score of the Unit

Assessment system 2: Assessment by the same jury of the oral presentation of the background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the research work. This assessment will focus on the following aspects: (i) overall clarity of the exposition; (ii) synthesis skills; and (iii) visual supports to the oral presentation of the contents.
Weighting: 10% of the final score of the Unit

Assessment system 3: Oral exam by the same jury to assess the thesis defence done by the student. In this exam, the jury will ask the student the questions it deems appropriate in order to value the student's direct and related knowledge of the thesis subject, focusing on the following criteria: (i) command of the subject during the defence; (ii) precision and clarity in the answers; and (iii) ability to interact with the jury.
Weighting: 20% of the final score of the Unit


Thesis directors

In each edition, the choice of research topic, research tutor and place where the thesis is carried out, is made by the student according to his training interest. Therefore, the research tutors and institutions vary from one edition to another. The following tutors and institutions were chosen in the edition 2013-14-15 of the Master:

  • Elena ALBANELL, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Veterinaria, Barcelona, Spain
  • Joaquin BALCELLS, Universidad de Lleida, ETS de Ingenieria Agraria, Spain
  • Mireia BLANCO, Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Departamento de Tecnología en Producción y Sanidad Animal, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Gerardo CAJA, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Veterinaria, Barcelona, Spain
  • Sergio CALSAMIGLIA, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Veterinaria, Barcelona, Spain
  • María del Mar CAMPO, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Veterinaria, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Rosa CARABAÑO, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Madrid, Spain
  • Dolores CARRO, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Madrid, Spain
  • Pilar DE FRUTOS, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Universidad de León, Spain
  • Emma FABREGA, IRTA, Centre de Mas de Bover, Reus, Spain
  • Manuel FONDEVILA, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Veterinaria, Zaragoza, Spain
  • María FRANCESH, IRTA, Centre de Mas de Bover, Reus, Spain
  • Javier GARCÍA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Madrid, Spain
  • Victoria GARRIDO, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Pública de Navarra,  Spain
  • Javier GONZÁLEZ, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Madrid, Spain
  • María Jesús GRILLÓ, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Pública de Navarra,  Spain
  • Gonzalo HÉRVAS, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Universidad de León, Spain
  • Miguel JOVER, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Spain
  • Margalida JOY, Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Departamento de Tecnología en Producción y Sanidad Animal, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Adela MARTÍNEZ, SERIDA, Villaviciosa, Spain
  • José Luis OLLETA, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Veterinaria, Zaragoza, Spain
  • José Francisco PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Veterinaria, Barcelona, Spain
  • Ahmed SALAMA, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Veterinaria, Barcelona, Spain
  • Pablo G. TORAL, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Universidad de León, Spain
  • Fernando VICENTE, SERIDA, Villaviciosa, Spain